In Conversation With Wedding Photographer Georgia Verrells


Starting her photographic journey as a teenager, Melbourne-based Georgia Verrells has become a highly sought-after wedding photographer. Her talent lies in capturing not only images but also the deep emotions of couples on their special day. Embracing an unconventional stance in wedding photography, Georgia skillfully transforms couples' aspirations into candid, sincere snapshots that mirror their genuine affection and authenticity.


“…But beyond technical proficiency, I believe what truly sets me apart is my ability to connect with couples on a personal level. I strive to create a comfortable and relaxed environment, allowing their authentic emotions and personalities to shine through in each photograph.”

Firstly, tell us a little about your photography journey and how you became the exceptional wedding photographer you are?

I've always had a passion for capturing special moments, and it was through various life experiences that I discovered my love for wedding photography.

My journey began as a teenager when I received my first camera as a gift. I started experimenting with photography, capturing landscapes, portraits, and various events. However, it wasn't until living in London and working at a financial firm that my need for a creative outlet grew, I ended up quitting my job to travel around America and Europe, where I ended up working with brands such as Instagram and Levis.

After coming back to Australia, I couldn't stop taking photos and missed that connection I felt whilst travelling and meeting new people and working on campaigns. I moved to Melbourne 10 years ago and ended up studying communication design, it was here that I honed in on photography, and whilst working 3 jobs at one point a close friend asked me to photograph their wedding, and suddenly it all made sense on what I should do for work, for myself as I enjoyed the day so much not just as a friend but as a photographer capturing moments. It was the capturing of the joy, emotions, and unique moments of that wedding day that ignited a spark within me.

I realised the incredible privilege it is to witness and preserve the love and connection between two people as well as all the side stories going on at a Wedding. To become the wedding photographer I am today, I committed myself to continuous learning and improvement. I attended workshops, seminars, and photography courses to enhance my technical skills and develop my artistic vision.

But beyond technical proficiency, I believe what truly sets me apart is my ability to connect with couples on a personal level. I strive to create a comfortable and relaxed environment, allowing their authentic emotions and personalities to shine through in each photograph. Building trust and rapport with my clients is a fundamental aspect of my approach, as it enables me to capture their love genuine and heartfelt manner.

Ultimately, my goal goes beyond simply delivering exceptional wedding photography that tells a beautiful story. I wholeheartedly believe in providing couples with an unforgettable experience, from the moment they choose me as their photographer to the day they receive their wedding photos. I want to be more than just a photographer; I want to be a trusted companion, guiding them through the entire journey with a warm and personable touch as myself, Georgia. My aim is to ensure that every step leading up to their wedding is stress-free and filled with excitement, and that their actual wedding day is nothing short of extraordinary.

How would you describe your style of wedding photography?

My photography style can be described as a perfect blend of timeless elegance and modern sophistication with a natural warmth to my images.

We're sure you get inundated with booking requests, so what are some things you specifically look for in a that really make a couple stand out to you?... the enquiries that make you think, "I really want to shoot this wedding."

There are certain factors that truly make a couple stand out to me and evoke that feeling of excitement and anticipation to capture their wedding day. Here are a few things I specifically look for:

Connection and Chemistry: One of the key aspects that make a couple stand out is the genuine connection and chemistry they share. When I can sense their love and see their personalities shine through in their initial inquiry, it immediately sparks my interest. This connection forms the foundation of beautiful and authentic moments that I can capture.

Personalised Details and Unique Vision: I am always drawn to couples who have put thought and care into their wedding plans. Enquiries that highlight personalised details, unique themes, or creative ideas instantly grab my attention. When couples have a clear vision and are passionate about making their wedding day reflect their individuality, it inspires me to be a part of their celebration.

Emotional Investment: I value couples who express their excitement and emotional investment in their inquiry. When they share their love story, the journey they've been on together, and the significance of their upcoming wedding day, it helps me understand the depth of their emotions. Couples who truly value the power of photography and the importance of capturing precious memories are incredibly inspiring to me.

Trust and Connection with My Work: It means a lot to me when couples express a genuine appreciation for my photography style and the work I have done. When they mention specific images or aspects of my portfolio that resonate with them, it shows me that they have taken the time to connect with my artistic vision.

Do you have a specific style of wedding that you just LOVE to photograph?

Non-traditional weddings with something a bit different offer a refreshing and creative canvas for me as a photographer. I'm drawn to couples who are willing to step outside the traditional norms and infuse their wedding day with their own personalities, passions, and unconventional elements.

We know couples can be a little nervous when it comes to their wedding photography, what are some tips you offer couples to stay relaxed and enjoy the moment?

I tell my couples to trust me, I've got their back and will make the day as comfortable as possible. Usually with a few dad jokes along the way!

Share with us some wedding moments that you've experienced that stand out for you?

1. First looks are always so emotional, I love capturing this emotion and just watching their genuine reaction to each other.

2. Surprise gestures, I've seen surprise songs where the bride or groom has gotten up and sung to their partner as a surprise with the band. I've seen surprise gifts and surprise guests turn up to weddings, these unexpected moments of love and thoughtfulness leave a lasting impact not just on the couple but on the guests, capturing their genuine reactions is incredibly rewarding

What are some ways you work with couples to really ensure that their wedding photos are a true reflection of them?

Pre consults, from the first meeting I make notes to get to know my couple better and make sure I collect details about who is important to my couples closer to the date such as family photo lists to make sure nobody is missed. During the wedding day, I strive to be a calm presence, observing and capturing moments as they unfold naturally. I understand the importance of allowing the couple to enjoy their day fully, without feeling overly posed or staged. By blending into the background and being attentive to their interactions, I capture authentic moments that reflect their true selves.

Give us your NUMBER ONE piece of wedding planning advice?

Pick vendors that reflect you; you'll spend your whole day with some, such as your photographer or videographer, so make sure they are 'your people'.

And finally, where can couples find you? Do you travel all over Australia?

I’m in Melbourne but do travel all over Australia for weddings.


You can find Georgia Verrells on THEODORE Magazine by CLICKING HERE, at or over at Instagram @georgiaverrells